Friday, August 28, 2015

"Digging for Fire" Movie Review

My review of "Digging for Fire" starring Jake Johnson, Rosemarie DeWitt, Orlando Bloom.
Posted on Aug. 28, 2015  on

Photo courtesy of The Orchard

“Digging for Fire”

Tim (Jake Johnson) is a public-school teacher who is married to Lee (Rosemarie DeWitt), a yoga instructor. Lee has a client that is off to make a movie, so the couple and their young son, Jude (Jude Swanberg) are house-sitting in the hills of Malibu. The house has a pool, a tennis court and lots of wooded property for the family to have fun exploring. While Lee and their son do yoga by the pool, Tim goes off and tours the property. He soon finds on the wooded grounds a weather worn hand gun and what could possibly be a human bone. Even though Tim is excited by his new find (thinking he will be a hero with the local police), Lee convinces him to leave well enough alone and not dig up her client’s vast brush filled backyard.

Lee decides that she needs some time as an adult and makes plans to stay at her mother’s house (Judith Light). Killing two birds with one stone, she takes their son along, so she can go out on the town with a friend of hers while Jude spends time with her mother. Tim has been given the task of getting their taxes organized, something, that, of course, he is dreading. As soon as Lee leaves, Tim invites his buddies over to have hamburgers, beer, and maybe smoke some pot. After leaving Jude off with the grandparents, Lee heads for her friend’s house (Melanie Lynskey) for some wine before heading out for a “girls night.” However, her friend can’t go drinking, so Lee is left to go out on her own.


Digging for Fire

Photo courtesy of The Orchard

Meanwhile, some of Tim’s pals have shown up. After a few brews, hamburgers and games of catch in the pool, Tim displays the gang the gun and the bone. They instantly volunteer for searching the yard for more bones and clues. They enthusiastically start to search the yard, immediately making a big mess. Besides finding a license plate from 1957, they don’t find a whole lot else. The evening then gets interesting. Too interesting for uptight Phil (Mike Birbiglia), who quickly leaves when Ray (Sam Rockwell) shows up with two women (Anna Kendrick, Brie Larson) and a lot of cocaine. While apart, Lee and Tim are about to go down separate paths in the next couple of days that will force them to make decisions that could affect their lives together as a couple.

Digging for Fire

Photo courtesy of The Orchard

Director Joe Swanberg, who co-wrote the script with leading man Johnson, brings us a tale of a modern couple who are struggling to keep their identities separate from their marriage. Both characters feel as if they have lost something of themselves by becoming a couple, especially after the birth of the son. Their lives have become meshed together, and both wonder if there will ever be a point when they feel like their old selves again. It’s a marriage that, while not in trouble, is showing that there might be some serious problems brewing. They argue about whether they should take her mother’s money and enroll their son in a private pre-school. In fact, the subject of money keeps coming up; whether it’s comparing their duplex to the massive house, they are sitting for, the taxes that Tim has been given to work on, or the idea that they can splurge on buying clothing for themselves instead of their kid. All this is compounded by the fact that almost as soon as they arrive at the house, they are looking at ways to get away from each other. This is a couple that obviously loves each other, but the marriage is starting to fray at the seams a bit. There is a running bit, where Lee is beginning to read a book called “Passionate Marriage.” That book follows her around, as it seems everyone has it on their bookshelves, just mocking her.

Digging for Fire

Photo courtesy of The Orchard

While I liked this film, I didn’t love it like I did one of Swanberg’s earlier films “Drinking Buddies” which paired up Anna Kendrick with Jake Johnson. It felt that film connected with the leads much better than this movie. It’s possible that some of that disconnect comes with such a large cast. It’s almost as if Swanberg wanted to conduct an “All-Star” Indie film; the cast includes such small film stalwarts as Kendrick, Larson, Rockwell, Lynskey, and Chris Messina. Even Orlando Bloom, as what else, a possible love interest for Rosemarie DeWitt’s character shows up in the film. I kept waiting for Parker Posey, the all-time “Indie Queen” to show up; as I was sure Swanberg would figure out how to put her in the film as well.

Digging for Fire

Photo courtesy of The Orchard

The script does have an excellent ear for dialog, though I know that some of that dialog is improvised, especially the scenes where Tim is hanging out with his buddies drinking beer on the porch. Both Johnson and DeWitt have an exceptional presence on the screen. Johnson allows Tim to feel real and a person who has overall good intentions for his family. DeWitt shines a little more on the screen than Johnson, but I think her character is just a bit more complicated and self-involved. DeWitt and Johnson have a good presence together, making us feel that they have been a couple for quite a while. I like the chemistry of DeWitt and Johnson with their possible love interests even better. Johnson and Larson work well of each other, making their scenes stand out, as Larson’s character becomes Tim’s primary partner in crime as they look for more bones on the property. Orlando Bloom shows up to become DeWitt’s character’s knight in shining armor, as he takes a tumble when saving her from a drunken man at a bar that hits on her. Of the rest of the supporting cast, Sam Rockwell, delights as the “fly in the ointment” friend, who lives for stirring up trouble.

I enjoyed this film, but I would have preferred that “Digging for Fire” had a little less of its vast cast, letting us explore in-depth the main characters. It’s a short film and with such a large cast, some of the characters are gone before we even notice them.  It’s an interesting, light film that while the plot is rather superficial, it does explore the cracks in a couple’s relationship. We get to see if those cracks become mended or if those cracks become massive fissures that a marriage ultimately can’t survive.    My Rating: Bargain Matinee

My movie rating system from Best to Worst:  1). I Would Pay to See it Again  2). Full Price  3). Bargain Matinee  4). Cable  5). You Would Have to Pay Me to See it Again

“Digging for Fire” Info

“Digging for Fire” is playing exclusively at Landmark Midtown Art Cinema

Friday, August 21, 2015

"The Diary of a Teenage Girl" Movie Review

My review of "The Diary of a Teenage Girl" starring Bel Powley, Alexander Skarsgård, Kristen Wiig.
Posted on Aug. 21, 2015  on

Photo courtesy of Sony Pictures Classics 

“The Diary of a Teenage Girl” (2015)


When we initially meet 15-year-old Minnie Goetze (Bel Powley), she is basking the glow of havingsex for the first time as she walks home. Minnie was convinced that she might never have sex,feeling that she was too ordinary looking for boys to be interested in her. She has aspirations to be acartoonist, much like her hero, Aline Kominsky. Her first comic book (a one-panel page) is of herselfas a giant plodding across the streets of San Francisco. She writes Kominsky, who she has imitatedin style, sending her the comic book and asking if she uses India Ink when drawing her comics.Minnie gets home and goes to her room avoiding her little sister. Knowing that she can’t tell anyoneabout the fact that she just had sex, she decides to tell her story as a diary with an audio taperecorder. She pours out her hopes, dreams, and lustful thoughts with excitement and anticipation,detailing what has happened the last couple of days.

The Diary of a Teenage Girl

Photo courtesy of Sony Pictures Classics

Minnie’s mom, Charlotte (Kristen Wiig), is a single mom that works as a librarian. Charlotte is notyour stereotypical librarian. Instead, she likes to smoke marijuana, drink heavily and dance aboutthe apartment with her boyfriend, Monroe (Alexander Skarsgård). Charlotte will never be “mother ofthe year,” in fact; she sees Minnie and her younger sister Gretel (Abby Watt) as friends orplaythings, rather than her daughters. Charlotte seems determined to party as hard and as long asshe can, trying to recapture her youth. The girl’s ex-stepfather, Pascal (Christopher Meloni) thoughpretentious, stays in the girls lives through phone calls and occasional visits.

The Diary of a Teenage Girl

Photo courtesy of Sony Pictures Classics

Minnie’s world changes when her mother drunkenly goes to bed one night, leaving Monroe on thecouch with Minnie. Minnie innocently snuggles next to Monroe, and he puts his arm around her,hanging down, so it slightly touches her breast. Minnie is not only convinced that Monroe did it onpurpose, but that he is now interested in her. The next day, Monroe wants to go to the local bar (hey, it’s two for one night) and Charlotte wants to stay home to watch TV. Charlotte tells Monroe to takeMinnie, and he reluctantly agrees. Minnie is about to go down a road that she will ultimately regret.

Writer/director Marielle Heller has created a unique film that explores the sexual awaking of a younggirl who had doubts she would ever be in a relationship. Minnie was feeling like a lot of young girls,that she just wasn’t attractive enough for anyone to be interested in her. This is a film while it hasgreat love and respect for Minnie, is full of nudity and very adult situations. Minnie is not afraid oflooking at herself naked while talking to herself in the mirror about what is going on in her life. Thefilm also can be a little dark, as Minnie gets herself into some very serious and dangeroussituations. The film is not an 80s teenage “romcom” but done more in the style of recent films, like“We Are the Best!” and “Turn Me On, Dammit!” While it does have quite a bit of comedic feel to it,mostly due to Minnie’s voice overs, it still is a little unsettling seeing a 35-year-old man having sexwith a 15-year-old girl. But Heller is careful not to make Minnie too much of a sexual object, butrather a young girl who is getting comfortable with sex and her body. And, while not to make anexcuse, the film is set in 1976 San Francisco, where “free love” seems to be going strong from itssixties roots.

The Diary of a Teenage Girl

Photo courtesy of Sony Pictures Classics

The film uses animation to its fullest, as Minnie’s drawings are continually coming to life. Whetherit’s just a flower surrounding Minnie’s head as she ponders life in a bathtub, or a fully animated AlineKominsky, who becomes something of a spirit guide for Minnie, the film  makes Minnie’sworld seem animated. The cinematography is gorgeous, and the camera placement is outstandingas Heller creates inventive ways to show Minnie in her environment.

The screenplay, written by director Marielle Heller, is based on a book by Phoebe Gloschner andcomes across as almost as if it is the stream ofconsciousness from the teenage mind of Minnie. It’switty, sometimes lighthearted and always treats its main character with a touch of kindness.

Photo courtesy of Sony Pictures Classics

Photo courtesy of Sony Pictures Classics

The cast is outstanding with Alexander Skarsgård brilliantly playing the slightly dimwitted Monroe.He isn’t a bad man as he seems to care about both women in his life; he just would rather have funrather than think about the consequences. Kristen Wiig plays the part of the selfish Charlotte toperfection, making her character seem very vulnerable. She plays her as someone who puts herfocus on the men in her life, instead of her kids. Bel Powley is an absolute gem to watch in this role.Though she was 21 when she made this film, she looks all of 15, making the film feel real. Sheperfectly narrates the film, giving the movie a voice that we won’t soon forget. Not only does shehold her own with two great actors in Wiig and Skarsgard; she just dominates most scenes she is in,giving us the vast array of emotions that every teenager in her first relationship goes through.

“The Diary of a Teenage Girl” gives us rare look at the world of a real teenager; one moment sure ofherself and the next feeling hopeless, convinced that she will never be loved. While a couple ofscenes may be uncomfortable to watch, it is well worth going on this journey with Minnie as shetravels through her sometimes animated world.    My Rating: I Would Pay to See it Again

My movie rating system from Best to Worst:  1). I Would Pay to See it Again  2). Full Price  3). Bargain Matinee  4). Cable  5). You Would Have to Pay Me to See it Again

The film is playing exclusively in Atlanta at Tara Cinemas 4

“The Diary of a Teenage Girl” Website